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Fulfillment Policy
We strive to provide our members with puzzles as much as possible for the duration of their membership. Practically speaking, our goal is to maintain an average wait time of 7 days or less between when a membership has begun and created a wishlist of at least ten puzzles or a member or hands-off their last pack to USPS, and when they receive new puzzles. However, we have limited control over shipping times and occasional shipping disasters, and may not be able to source all puzzles on demand. If you have been assigned a pack more than 7 days ago that has not arrived, we invite you to email us at help@woodenjigsawpuzzles.com, and we will investigate why it has not arrived and try to get a second pack on its way to you if we can. The following criteria must be met for us to be able to fulfill puzzles: you must have had at least 10 puzzles on their wishlist, your address on file must be a legitimate address for USPS, you must be subscribed, and we must have a credit card on file for your shipping fees. If any of these criteria are not met, we may not be able to get puzzles to that member, or may do so with significant delays. We also strive to provide members with puzzles that are in reasonable used condition such that they are a pleasure to use. However, we note that occasionally members may receive in substandard condition that has not yet been reported to us. We commit to fixing or removing from circulation any puzzle that a member alerts us is not in reasonable used condition, such as but not limited to, not being complete.
You may cancel your subscription at any time by notifiying us at help@woodenjigsawpuzzles.com. Cancellations that occur before we have shipped your first pack to you will receive a full refund. After we have shipped a first pack to you, subscriptions are not refundable. We reserve the right to cancel a subscription at any time, but if we do so, we will refund a proportional amount of the subscription fee corresponding to the cancelled time. We reserve the right for any reason to increase or decrease the rate at which you get new packs, for example, depending on how quickly you return packs and whether puzzles are damaged in your care. After your membership ends, you will have 30 days to return any outstanding packs using the normal return process via our website, or shipped directly to our home base at 2405 W. Sims Way, Port Townsend WA 98368. If all puzzles are not returned within 30 days, we reserve the right to charge you the current market rate to replace those puzzles. Memberships may be transferred at the request of a member, for any whole number of months left on the membership, to transfer a membership email us at help@woodenjigsawpuzzles.com. Members will be required to pay the ship-out fee for each pack sent to them, whether or not the pack has problems. We reserve the right to waive the ship-out fee for any reason. Members are identified by their email address, and we are not responsible for distinguishing a member from a third-party if that third-party contacts us via the email address of a member.
Questions? You can email us at help@woodenjigsawpuzzles.com, we usually respond within 8 hours, but sometimes we need a day to get back to you.
Brought to you by Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles Club LLC, established 2020.